I've been in digital advertising for the best part of twenty years and I'm endlessly entertained by tactics and strategies than make ads perform better.
More recently I've been co-developing a TTRPG.
It was in the act of researching best practices for Crowdfunding my own project that made me realise how much support creators need with this.
And so I found myself in forums answering questions, helping people out. Then I ended up optimising campaigns for people for free who were lost and struggling.
And now this is my business, building running, strategising, and bug-fixing crowdfunding campaigns of all types... and I still help some people without being paid. Why? Because information just wants to be free, and I believe in the creator community.
This isn't my first rodeo
I started in digital ads back in the mid-noughties. I was managing paid traffic for HMV.com who was then the biggest retailler of CDs, DVDs, and Games in the UK (back when people actually bought physical copies of things...).
During this time I ran Email, Search, Affiliate, Social, Price Comparison. Basically any way to get new users into the site. During this time, web sales grew from just £18million to £278million. It was a wild time to be growing an online brand.
Then I became employee No.1 in a start-up digital agency. I built out the operations, processes, and team from scratch. When Facebook ads came along, I was an early adopter, buying from week one, back when it was just a single cent per click, and the ad image was just a 100 pixel by 72 pixel rectangle!
We became one of the biggest Facebook spenders in the UK, and were invited to use their Ads API (later rebranded to Marketing API), and we built our own custom tech to build, buy, monitor, and optimise ads.
We spent hundreds of millions of dollars for clients all over the world, including market-leading brands in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa, and well as the Euro-area and Asia.
I am based in the North West of the UK, in Manchester (and no, I don't support either of the footie teams here 🤣!)
But if you are based elsewhere, don't worry about the timezone difference. I have worked with clients in North America (both coasts), and in Asia / Australasia throughout my career. There's never an issue finding call times that work for everyone. Also, I travel to Montreal, Toronto, New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, LA, and Vegas on a semi-regular basis, so face to face meetings would be possible depending on where you are based and on whether it was needed.
Brands I have managed ads strategy for:

Plus hundreds more...
So what is a Wrenegade?
As well as running this business, I am also one third of 'The Brothers Thut,' developing Beyond the Veil; a supernatural investigation TTRPG.
Find out more about that game and the history behind the Wrenegade name at WrenegadeStudios.com